Join us August 27 – 30 in Barberton, Ohio, for “Manufacturing with Silicone Rubber,” a comprehensive workshop hosted by RDAbbott from a fabricator’s point-of-view. Attendees of this four-day workshop will learn practical techniques, testing methods, and insights, plus equipment troubleshooting tips for processing silicone rubber from industry professionals through a combination of classroom instruction and interactive workshops.
Students from various Summit County high schools in Ohio recently visited RDAbbott and NovationSi for a facilities tour and overview of careers in the rubber industry. On March 21st, RDAbbott’s Service Center in Barberton, Ohio, hosted 21 students from the Industrial Maintenance and Production for Employment program at Stow-Munroe Falls High School. David Helmick, IMPE technology instructor and transitional work experience coordinator, also participated in the field trip.
Join Parker Lord on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (ET) for a free Weatherstrip and Glass Virtual Training Course. This webinar will cover Sipiol® weatherstrip coatings (Module 1) and Flocklok® single-coat flock adhesives (Module 2). There will be a live question-and-answer session at the end of each module. The total course duration is 90 minutes.
Rubber News recently featured our commitment to making the right connections as part of an interview with Jerry McCall, RDAbbott’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing. The article reflects our core values of putting people and the service of others first. NovationSi, RDAbbott’s manufacturing subsidiary, will play a key role on multiple levels.
Join us August 15 – 18 in Barberton, Ohio, for “Manufacturing with Silicone Rubber,” a comprehensive workshop hosted by RDAbbott from a fabricator’s point-of-view. Attendees of this four-day workshop will learn practical techniques, testing methods, and insights, plus equipment troubleshooting tips for processing silicone rubber, from industry professionals through a combination of classroom instruction and interactive workshops.
Whether your background is operations, sales, technical, finance or management, TLARGI’s “Basic Rubber Technology Course” is invaluable to furthering your success in the rubber industry. This 14-week course will be held online Thursdays from 4 – 6 PM (PT) starting October 14, 2021, and ending on January 27, 2022.
RDAbbott will provide the instructors for The Los Angeles Rubber Group’s (TLARGI) 2020 Basic Rubber Technology Course. RDAbbott’s Rick Ziebell, Technical Fellow and Vice President of Technology, and Matt Rogers, Applications Engineering and Technical Support, will lead this 15-week course that begins on August 27th and ends on December 17th. The course consists of live weekly webinars that will be held on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM (Pacific Time).
Whether your background is operations, sales, technical, finance or management, TLARGI’s “Basic Rubber Technology Course” is invaluable to furthering your success in the rubber industry. Typically this course is a 20-week, in-classroom setting comprised of two semesters. But due to the COVID pandemic, TLARGI is offering this exceptional training in web format for 2020.
Rubber Division, ACS, will be presenting the following training courses on rubber compounding at our facility in Cerritos, California (16511 Carmenita Road) May 16-19. Register today!