
Dow SILASTIC™ Silicones provided by RDAbbott

Dow leads the silicone industry with sustainable, global supply of high performance SILASTIC™ silicone rubber products.

Reliable supply.

Its complete manufacturing capabilities throughout Europe, Asia, and North America assures reliable supply and minimizes risk for local and global customers.


In North America, Dow’s collaboration with RDAbbott provides additional supply stability, expert technical support, and personalized customer support.

Dow’s vast experience and comprehensive line of silicone rubber products include:
Solving end-use challenges for over 75 years.

Dow’s high-throughput laboratories, staffed with outstanding engineers and chemists, have been continuously developing new technologies and products since 1945 to solve end-use challenges for more severe environmental conditions, expanding requirements, and efficient manufacturing.

Click on these links to learn more about Dow’s impressive SILASTIC™ Silicone product portfolio and RDAbbott’s top-notch technical support.

™SILASTIC is a Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (‘Dow’) or an affiliated company of Dow.

Quality silicones.

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