Thanks to a monetary contribution by Cancarb Limited, 16 trees were added to Lions Park in Redcliff, Alberta, Canada. Cancarb also volunteered its employees to assist with planting the trees alongside fellow townsmen.
Starting September 29, ARLANXEO is hosting a webinar series titled “Innovation x Sustainability.” Through December 15, ARLANXEO will hold 45-minute webinars each Thursday morning and evening that will cover a wide variety of topics on sustainable innovations. The technical presenters in this series will address future challenges facing the rubber industry and how ARLANXEO is working continuously to reduce its own emissions in the production and manufacturing of its products; is selecting responsible chemicals for compounding and sourcing bio-based raw ingredients to design longer-life and sustainable applications; is improving end-of-life solutions for rubber products; and can help you reduce the environmental footprint of your rubber products.
Join ARLANXEO and RDAbbott on Friday, September 30, 2022, from 2:00 – 3:00 PM (ET) for “Sustainability: New Mobility Trends and Rubber in a Circular Economy,” a free webinar about environmental sustainability, the rubber value chain, and vehicle electrification. Peter Spanos, Senior Technical Manager from ARLANXEO, will examine industry challenges and explain how Keltan® Eco EPDM is part of the solution.
Cancarb makes a thermal carbon black, Thermax® N990CG, with low levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), substances that are listed as carcinogens. Production of this rubber additive also helps Cancarb’s local community to reduce its fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Cancarb Limited has been awarded a platinum sustainability rating from EcoVadis, a global provider of scorecards for corporate and environmental sustainability. Cancarb’s new rating indicates that the company is in the top 1% of its industry for the sustainable production of carbon black, which is added to thermoplastics and can contribute color, opacity, electrical resistivity, and protection from ultra-violet degradation.
RDAbbott will help power a Rubber & Plastics News (RPN) livestream called “Silicone 2021: An Unsettled Market with Unlimited Applications” on May 20 at 2:00 PM (ET). RDAbbott’s John Carroll, a 50-year industry veteran known as the “Godfather of Silicone,” will participate in the one-hour panel discussion and question-and-answer session. At a time when silicone prices are rising and silicone applications keep increasing, Carroll and other members of the expert panel will offer valuable insights about market trends, the virtues of silicones, as well as future business opportunities.
Rubber & Plastics News (RPN) will host a one-hour livestream event called “Silicone 2021: An Unsettled Market with Unlimited Applications” on May 20 from 2 PM – 3PM (ET). Editor Bruce Meyer and Reporter Andrew Schunk will moderate a panel discussion that includes RDAbbott’s John Carroll, a 50-year veteran of the silicone industry.
RDAbbott is reducing environmental pollution, energy consumption, and landfillable waste by implementing recycling initiatives, increasing lighting efficiency, and minimizing waste streams. Along with reducing its use of resources, the California-based company envisions future efforts to reduce its carbon footprint through the addition of LED lighting.